Control all of the electronic equipment in your boardroom, and more from an intuitive touch panel. Our boardroom solutions will eliminate the need for you or your clients and staff to familiarise themselves with equipment and manuals, simply choose a task and press a button!
Set dynamic lighting scenes automatically in your boardroom or throughout a facility using our boardroom automation solutions. One simple button press can accent architectural features, create helpful task lighting, enhance videoconferencing and projector displays.
Can’t see the presentation because there’s a glare from the window? No need to interrupt your presentation to find the wall switch to lower the curtains or blinds, they are all controlled automatically from the touch panel.
Temperature settings can be automatically adjusted based on time of day or room usage using automation control & intuitive interfaces such as keypads & wireless remotes. This will ensure that you workplace is always comfortable & energy efficient. Boardroom Automation Systems Audio Visual Systems Automation & Control
FROG AV is certified to work with all the leading manufacturers of Automation and Boardroom Control Systems. This ensures that we can choose a boardroom automation solution based on your needs, without limitation.
Products we offer includes the following brands: